
of Cases


Journey for Justice

The Journey begins today!


Rounded-Up Book Cover

Rounded Up Book
Now Available

Project Salam Letters
to Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder

Read Descriptions of
Each Letter

Click to read full
text of each letter

February 17, 2009 Letter

April 4, 2009 Letter

May 21, 2009 Letter

July 8, 2009 Letter

November 16, 2009 Letter

March 8, 2010 Letter

February 15, 2012 Letter

News & Articles

Book Reviews

Link to Cases

Yassin Aref

Dr. Rafil Dhafir

Newburgh 4

Syed Fahad Hashmi

Sami Al-Arian

The Fort Dix 5

Other Cases

How to Obtain
Medical Records
From a Federal

List of Known Prisoners at
Terra Haute CMU

List of Known Prisoners at
Marion CMU

Journey for Justice

How to be a sponsor

Project SALAM and Lynne Jackson are asking organizations and individuals to be sponsors of the Journey for Justice. There are five ways an organization can become a supporter of the Journey for Justice.

Please email or call Lynne Jackson at lynnejackson@mac.com or phone 518-366-7324 if you would like to sponsor the walk.

Ways to be a Sponsor

1) Sign the petition - A Case of Mistaken Identity

2) Walk with Lynne and the walkers

Walk for one minute, one hour, one day or the entire way. Please contact Lynne Jackson if you wish to join the walk and which days you are planning to walk.

3) Provide Vehicle Support - the most important function

Spend the day assisting walkers with a support vehicle. The walkers will walk about 2-2.5 miles per hour.

The support vehicle will meet with the walkers at the beginning of the day, drive a few miles down the road, and wait for the walkers to meet up.

The support vehicle will pick up the walkers and drive them to lunch.

The support vehicle will be available in case of thunderstorms to shelter the walkers until the rain stops.

The support vehicle will drive the walkers back to their cars (if needed).

4) Provide a place to stay

The walkers will rely on good samaritans along the route. If you can provide a place to stay (guest room, couch or floor space), the walkers will be grateful.

Please email Lynne Jackson at lynnejackson@mac.com if you can offer shelter.

5) Add your name as a supporter.

Anyone wishing to add their name as a supporter, please email Jeanne Finley. Organizations wishing to support the Journey for Justice will have thier name added to the press releases.

The names of the sponsors will be added to the website and all publicity materia.

Links to:

Please sign the Petition for Yassin Aref - A Case of Mistaken Identity

Rally and March - Friday, July 12, 6:00 PM, Albany, NY

Journey for Justice - Deliver petition to home court of the judge by walking to Binghamton, NY

Notes on conditions of the walk

Walk Route - List of beginning and ending locations for each day, July 12 to July 23

Become a sponsor for the Journey for Justice

Information about what walkers should bring

Press packet and supporting documents

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Read media reports on the appeal motion and the Journey for Justice